The listing effect is significant within 5 minutes of the announcement, differentiation begins after 1 hour, and the mid-term price increase is unrelated to Moonshot.

Written by: Nan Zhi, Odaily Planet Daily

Recently, the Meme trading platform Moonshot has gained fame, being praised by several posts on platform X as the 'small Binance' on-chain, claiming it has solved the 'last mile' problem for Meme tokens and has a strong listing effect. (Note: The author reviewed 9 articles introducing Moonshot and found that 6 of them included recommended links, indicating a noticeable promotional bias.)

So does Moonshot really have a significant listing effect? If so, is it effective in the short term or does it last long? Odaily will conduct a data review in this article.

Basic Situation Description

  • Statistical Object: This article statistically analyzes 13 tokens that were launched on Moonshot in the past ten days, excluding other tokens that cross-chain to Moonshot, such as NPC and STONKS.

  • Statistical Time: Based on the listing time provided by the account 'Moonshot Listings,' prices of tokens were recorded at 5 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 24 hours, and the current time (October 22, Beijing time 11:00) after listing.

  • Special Circumstances: Due to the inability to obtain the exact second of the listing announcement, the starting price is taken as the opening price of the 1-minute K-line, while other prices, such as those 5 minutes after listing, are taken as the closing price of the 1-minute K-line.

Review of Listing Effect

The statistical results of prices over various time periods are shown as follows:

It can be clearly seen that there is a significant 'listing effect' in the 5 minutes after the listing announcement, with the average increase in the first 5 minutes being 14.7%. The longer the time extends, the more significant the differentiation becomes.

In addition, if not counting GOAT, the average increase from 5 min to 24 H has also been continuously increasing, but the cumulative increase since listing has collapsed.

Short-term listing effect is significant

The 5-minute price increase of each token listed on Moonshot is shown in the figure below, arranged from left to right in the order of listing. It can be seen that, except for XD, all tokens have a positive increase after the announcement.

Through the author's review of K-lines, there is a possibility of 'announcement bots' automatically buying based on Moonshot announcements, especially for several small-cap tokens, where the 1-minute increase is more significant than the 5-minute increase.

The 1-hour price increase chart is shown below. It can be seen that most tokens maintain a positive increase in the first hour after the announcement, but differentiation begins to appear, and several tokens' increases start to approach the 0 axis.

No listing effect in the mid-term

The following chart shows the 4-hour price increase. Half of the tokens have erased their gains and continue to decline, while the three tokens Magnet, GOAT, and GNON, which were leaders in their respective stages, have continued to rise. This does not necessarily qualify Moonshot as the fundamental reason for the increase.

The 24-hour price increase chart is shown below. Since slop and Shoggoth were listed for less than 4 hours, they are included. It can be seen that the differentiation of token price increases is becoming more and more obvious, and it can basically be concluded that whether or not Moonshot lists is not directly related to the mid-term increase of the tokens.

Long-term will eventually return to zero

The following chart shows the cumulative increase of each token from the time of the listing announcement. GOAT is not included in this chart due to its excessive increase. It can be seen that most tokens are heading towards zero, primarily because the tokens launched on Moonshot are all Meme tokens, which are difficult to maintain attention and establish core consensus in the current oversaturated market, making a return to zero inevitable.

In summary, Moonshot listings often can only serve as short-term reference indicators. Whether tokens can continue to rise in the mid-term is unrelated to it.

Additionally, it can be found that Moonshot listings only occur in the evening and early morning Beijing time, often focusing on popular tokens with a market cap around ten million. Readers focusing on trading during this period may want to pay attention to short-term opportunities.