Two Types of People Who Make Money in the Crypto World:

One type uses contract leverage, opening high multiple bets on direction. If they're right, they continue to hold, looking for opportunities to add to their positions; if they're wrong, they stop-loss. For example, X Emperor, X House, and X Ni use this method, with a success rate of less than one in ten thousand.

The other type engages in long-term cycle and trend trading, which also tests human nature. Even with altcoins, the spot volatility is significant. Without a sufficiently good mindset and perspective, one cannot navigate this method successfully, with about 20% achieving success using this approach.

As for the remaining 80%, they mostly mess around with contracts, engage in frequent short-term trading, or other dubious operations, thus becoming the profit source for the first two types.

(Those relying on luck are not discussed, as they are not representative)

Keep going, strive to be part of that 20%, and wish everyone wealth.

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