The popular Telegram-based game, Hamster Kombat, is making waves with its second round of activities. As the crypto gaming world heats up, X Empire has concluded its Telegram-based mining phase and is set to launch the X token on The Open Network (TON) on October 24. Previously known as "Musk Empire," the game has entered a "cooling phase," during which 5% of the token supply will be distributed to players. However, only 6 million out of more than 50 million players are eligible for this airdrop. It's worth noting that billionaire Elon Musk has no involvement with the game.

Hamster Kombat, continuing its momentum into the second season, has revealed plans for a major theme shift. The game has promised to unveil general updates for the new season soon.

In other gaming news, the Ethereum-based fighting game Moonray will launch on PS5 in 2025. Due to Sony's policies, the game will be released without its Web3 features. The "airdrop" campaigns included in the PC version will not be available on PS5, raising questions about the future of crypto gaming. Meanwhile, Gunzilla Games has yet to confirm the inclusion of crypto features for console projects like Off the Grid.

Despite some disappointment with the first airdrop, Hamster Kombat has offered renewed optimism for HMSTR as it begins its second season, with the token seeing a rise in the market. Many players remain active in the new season, and should another airdrop occur, Hamster Kombat could regain its spotlight. If this happens, the amount of HMSTR distributed could be substantial.



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