Odaily Planet Daily News: Two informed sources revealed that U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris's transition team is reviewing candidates to succeed Gary Gensler as chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Two possible successors are Professor Chris Brummer from Georgetown University Law School and Erica Williams, chair of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), who are said to have a more optimistic view on cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin compared to Gensler. Harris has neither publicly nor privately committed to replacing Gensler, and it is unclear how much consideration she is giving to Brummer, Williams, or other potential candidates. Currently, due to Harris's short time as a candidate and other unresolved policy issues, her team is more focused on voting matters. One informed person stated: "It is unclear who the leading candidates are at the moment; the Harris campaign team is concerned that showing too positive an attitude toward cryptocurrencies before the election could alienate progressive voters who see cryptocurrencies as a 'scam', and it will not win her any actual new voters." A spokesperson for Harris's transition team stated: "The transition team will not make any personnel selections before the election; instead, we are focused on building the necessary infrastructure in preparation for the inauguration."