Wu said that he learned that ETHGlobal issued a statement announcing the 10 winning projects of the San Francisco 2024 Hackathon, covering multiple fields such as games and copyright protection. These projects include: PumpRoyale: a USDC fitness challenge platform that combines fitness with potential income; VVLDrizzy: a platform where creators can mint, watermark and authorize video content while earning income; IP Infinity: converting NFTs into game objects with attributes and integrating them into the program-generated virtual world; OmiSwap: supports voice-activated blockchain transactions and cross-chain transfers; HelloACAI: on-chain collaborative AI that promotes efficient task execution bound to smart contracts; DAOsaster: a decentralized disaster response system based on blockchain and AI; Chain Waves: a blockchain copyright protection platform for audio files; BuildBlocks: a drag-and-drop component platform that simplifies Web3 smart contract development; UniV4Backtester: an institutional-grade UniV4 backtester; Betsy: a Web3 betting platform based on Skale.