Odaily Planet Daily News Tapioca DAO suffered a major security breach, attackers stole about $4.4 million in cryptocurrency, and the price of TAP tokens plummeted by more than 95%. The attacker obtained the relevant private keys through social engineering attacks, resulting in a large amount of funds being transferred. Despite this, the project team cooperated with the security agency SEAL911 to successfully transfer 1,000 ETH (about $2.7 million) to a safe location to avoid greater losses. At present, the hacker still holds some of the stolen assets, and the team is continuing to work hard to recover the rest of the funds. The Tapioca Foundation stated on X: "It is recommended that all current Tapioca DAO platform users revoke their approval of our contract until the recent compromise is resolved. If there are any issues with revoking approval, please contact website support." In addition, the chain detective ZachXBT mentioned that the "contagious interview" scam is a common and growing problem in the cryptocurrency field. (TheBlock)