🤑️Asian rich people are flocking to the crypto field, and 76% of fund managers have invested in cryptocurrencies!

Aspen Digital's latest research report found that private fund managers in Asia are becoming more and more interested in cryptocurrencies, and 76% of them are already investing in crypto assets.

This figure is much higher than the 58% of KPMG in 2022. Moreover, 18% of respondents said they also plan to join the ranks of investing in cryptocurrencies in the near future!

The report surveyed about 100 family offices, high net worth individuals and asset management companies in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. This series of data seems to indicate that for these wealthy people, cryptocurrency is no longer a question of "whether to invest" but a question of "how much to invest".

At the same time, Aspen Digital CEO Elliot Andrews said that although the Bitcoin ETF was only launched this year, it has become the fastest growing ETF in history. For example, BlackRock's IBIT managed $10 billion in assets in just 49 days, which is much faster than the previous record holder of 647 days, JPMorgan Chase's JPEQ!

Moreover, in 2024, the areas of greatest concern to these private wealth fund managers include DeFi, AI, and the tokenization of real-world assets (RWA). At the same time, NFTs and cryptocurrencies as "value stores" are no longer the most popular areas of digital assets.

In addition, the report gives an interesting prediction that 31% of respondents believe that the price of Bitcoin will rise to at least $100,000 by the end of the year! Although some people may think this prediction is too optimistic, some analysts believe that the price of Bitcoin may be even higher than this prediction!

💬 What do you think of this report? Do you think the cryptocurrency craze will continue? What are your predictions for the future price of Bitcoin? Come and discuss in the comments section!

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