It took only 10 days from downloading the APP and charging money for "investment" to realizing he had been cheated and reporting to the police. Mr. Li said that there were many people who had been cheated like him.

After recharging, I went to withdraw cash and found that the APP could not log in

On September 1, Mr. Li from Huyi District, Xi'an reported to the Huashang Daily that on August 20, a friend introduced him to an APP that can make money. He said that by charging money to buy virtual currency, he could receive high returns. He was also shown the withdrawal process. Mr. Li believed it and charged a total of nearly 20,000 yuan. However, when he wanted to withdraw cash, he found that the APP could not be logged in. Only then did he realize that he had been cheated.

"The APP is called F8, and the minimum recharge amount is 1,400 yuan. The amount in the APP is in US dollars, and the benefits seem to be quite large. There is a woman named Liu in Huyi District who was the first to promote it, and later it was introduced by acquaintances. The person named Liu is the administrator of the WeChat group, and she helped three other administrators to promote it. There are many WeChat groups." Mr. Li said that the friend who introduced him to this APP initially recharged 1,500 yuan and then withdrew 2,300 yuan. "In order to make money, he recharged another 1,900 yuan, and I believed it. Now he can't withdraw money, and this friend has realized that he has been cheated."

At that time, Mr. Li believed it and started to recharge. The amount was not large at first, but he saw the "system announcement" a few days ago and started to recharge in large amounts. "They said that if you recharge 2,000 yuan, you will get 2,000 yuan back, and if you recharge 10,000 yuan, you will get 10,000 yuan back. I was tempted, and recharged 5,000 yuan, 7,000 yuan, etc., and the cumulative total was nearly 20,000 yuan." Mr. Li said that in order to earn more, he has not withdrawn money. "After recharging this time, I wanted to see the refund situation. When I tried to withdraw money, I found that the APP could not log in. I was cheated. Everyone estimated that there were more than 500 people who were cheated in Huyi District. Some recharged a few thousand yuan, some recharged tens of thousands of yuan, and some recharged more than 100,000 yuan. The total amount is a huge sum of money."

Another victim of fraud was Ms. Cheng, who is also from Xi'an's Huyi District. Like Mr. Li, her friend recommended the APP to her. "I downloaded the APP on August 23. This time I saw a message from the group owner saying that if I recharged 10,000 yuan, I would get 10,000 yuan back, and if I recharged 50,000 yuan, I would get 80,000 yuan back. So I recharged 50,000 yuan and also helped a friend recharge 100,000 yuan. As a result, I can't withdraw the money now. I was defrauded of 150,000 yuan in total." Ms. Liu said on September 1.

Huyi police: This is an investment fraud and the case is being processed

Remind the public to raise anti-fraud awareness and avoid being deceived

According to the information provided by Mr. Li, the previous interface of the APP showed the daily income amount, and also showed the records of Mr. Li's recharge and coin purchase.

A "system announcement" on August 28 showed that in order to welcome the Mid-Autumn Festival, the platform will return 2,000 yuan for any single recharge of 2,000 yuan on August 28, 10,000 yuan for a single recharge of 10,000 yuan, 50,000 yuan for a single recharge of 30,000 yuan, and 80,000 yuan for a single recharge of 50,000 yuan. The announcement was signed by the "F8 Team."

The WeChat group that Mr. Li and Ms. Liu belong to is called "F8CoinVIP Member Sharing Strategy 166 Skirt", with more than 350 members and 4 administrators. The first group owner is named "Captain Luo", and the above-mentioned woman surnamed Liu is also one of the administrators.

"After we recharged on the 28th, the administrator set a ban. When we went to withdraw cash, we found that we could not log in to the APP." said Ms. Cheng.

On August 30, Mr. Li and other victims went to the Meibei Road Police Station of the Huyi Branch of the Public Security Bureau to report the case. "The police said we were cheated and would transfer the case to the Economic Investigation Brigade for handling," said Mr. Li.

On September 1, police said that more than one police station had received reports of the incident and the case was currently being processed.

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