There are less than 19 days until the official voting day of the US presidential election on November 5, 2024. Let's take a look at the latest situation of the election! $ETH

🔶Early voting in swing states:

🔸Georgia and other "swing states" have started early voting. On October 16, local time, Georgia reported that the first day of early voting in the state set a "record high voter turnout."

🔸Just a few hours after voting opened, 251,000 voters showed up to vote, breaking the state's record of 133,000 voters on the first day of the 2020 election.

🔸In seven "key battleground" states represented by Georgia, voters' enthusiasm for voting is unprecedentedly high. The choices of voters in these "swing states" will play a decisive role in the outcome of the general election.

🔶Stalemate in the election:

🔸Democratic presidential candidate and US Vice President Harris and Republican presidential candidate and former US President Trump have engaged in a fierce "fight", and the support rates of the two party candidates are becoming increasingly stalemate.

🔸The latest polls in October by ABC, NBC and CBS all showed that neither candidate from the two parties had a clear lead in support.

🔶New low in trust in polls:

As the election approaches, a poll released by the Gallup Consulting Company shows that less than one-third of Americans trust the U.S. news media, a record low.

🔶Candidate dynamics:

🔸Harris: During the campaign, Harris focused on global cooperation and paid attention to issues such as environmental protection and climate. She gave campaign speeches in some key states to elaborate on her policy proposals.

🔸Trump: Trump has always emphasized America first and focused on issues such as immigration. He used the prosecution he faced during his campaign to increase his support among the Republican Party and raise funds.

🔸He also said that if he is re-elected, he will retaliate against those he considers his enemies and implement reforms including abolishing the federal civil service system, strengthening immigration policies, canceling Obamacare, and imposing stricter restrictions on trade with China.

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