Thought Management 101: What to Do When Your Mind Rings

We cannot be empty of thoughts, it's impossible.

It’s what we do with those thoughts when they appear that matters.


The phone rings, how big of an influence do you have over your phone ringing, none…

But you can influence what you do with the call

You can choose to answer it

You can choose to turn off the volume

You can choose not to take the call and turn it off or throw it away from you.

This example functions in the same with your thoughts and feelings

You have no influence on what pops up in your thoughts and feelings.

Thoughts are electrochemical impulses in our brains and these we cannot control.

But you do have an influence on your thoughts when they do show up!

We can engage or choose not to engage.

That is what you have influence over...

And when you can learn that skill in your trading and life for that matter

It will all become a whole lot better!

