Tens of thousands of altcoins incubated by capital have all kinds of very attractive stories that you can't refuse to hook you in

Suggestions for participating in altcoin transactions:

Those who are risk-averse should resolutely not touch altcoins; those who are risk-loving can buy at low prices and sell at high prices, participate in the game of greater fools, but also be prepared to return to zero.

To avoid being cut, you must realize that money does not come in a hurry. Cryptocurrency is originally a speculative industry. Why should you participate in speculative altcoins in the speculative industry?

As for the Bitcoin market, in the short term, the bulls are blown up by the bears again and again, and the bulls lose nine out of ten in local battles!

In the long run, there is no suspense that the bulls will win, because Bitcoin is an unstoppable trend demand and the cornerstone of blockchain!

Do you like a momentary pleasure or eternal? It depends on you.

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