#Bitcoin and #Ethereum Traders Will Make #BIG #Money With These Trades over the next few weeks!

👇1-12) Our Friday report urged patience, warning traders not to become complacent despite frustration over Bitcoin’s stagnant price range. Our backtests indicated that although October is typically bullish for Bitcoin, most gains tend to materialize in the month's latter half. Consistent with the past three months, Bitcoin again reached a low early in the month. These technical patterns can lull traders into lowering their guard, causing them to miss critical breakout moments.

👇2-12) After months of a bearish outlook on Ethereum, we turned more positive as transaction fees in the Ethereum network rose again. Since our Friday report, Ether has gained an impressive 10%. Last week, we also took a tactical approach to Bitcoin mining exposure. For example -> @CleanSpark_Inc .

👇3-12) Below, we share some of our favorite trades. Full report: https://mail.10xresearch.co/p/bitcoin-and-ethereum-traders-will-make-big-money-with-these-trades-over-the-next-few-weeks