The reason I wrote this article today came from a message conversation with a die-hard fan on Twitter. The general content was: he found that his SolvBTC.BNN’s SOLV points were not increasing, so he pledged the coins on Pendle again and asked me the reason.

Message conversation content

Judging from the message, he obtained PT SolvBTC.BNN by re-staking SolvBTC.BNN.

This PT is a fixed annualized product with an annualized rate of approximately 6.5%, and no longer enjoys SOLV points and benefits.

Smart students will ask, where did the points and benefits go? The points and benefits are converted into a fixed annual rate of 6.5%. Some people may think that Pendle's PT product is so deceptive and has this rule. In fact, if it is not so deceptive, it is a Ponzi scheme. Products that create something out of nothing and borrow new money to repay old debts will not last long.

#一图流 】Here are the three products of SolvBTC.BNN that are pledged on Pendle for introduction:

Pendle's re-pledge product

From the picture, we can see that the Twitter friend above pledged the PT product again, giving up points in exchange for a fixed annual rate of 6.72%. So there is no more SOLV points and income, and these points and income are taken away by the Pendle product.

Now the market is full of all kinds of teachers who can earn money all the time and teachers who can make money all the time. Some of them may be big Vs with tens of thousands of fans. They are lack of knowledge or they just want to attract attention. They don't do any investment research and analysis on projects at all. They just talk about it as they see fit. They just make money without thinking when there are projects and pledge without thinking when there are pledges. They also claim to kill two birds with one stone. I don't know how many people they have led into the ditch.

Fortunately, it was a PT and not a YT. After the YT expires, the principal will be directly reduced to 0.

Someone may ask you how to deal with your SolvBTC.BNN. I will answer with two pictures:

Solvbtc.bnn is actually just a wallet, you can get 12xp/usd every day. Please research whether Avalon will participate or not, no recommendation will be made. With each additional layer of dolls, the risk will increase, you need to do DYOR yourself.

Follow me, don't get lost, just watch#一图流

Finally, please read this article for an introduction to BNB chain staking. Although I am also participating in the essay contest, I have a characteristic in writing articles that I never exaggerate and always seek truth from facts. Follow and like to get 3 consecutive likes.

【One picture flow】How to use Lista DAO to make BNB eat more