#ARKM Value Strong Coin Analysis
From a long-term perspective, ARKM must be one of the bull market layouts. After listing on Binance, it has been sideways for more than 200 days, and it took one month to directly pull the market up 7 times. The market maker of this coin is very good at market value management. Through the correction from March to mid-September, it is now starting to move again.
ARKM analysis: The top and bottom are constantly rising, and the volume below continues to increase. It has completed the low-building pattern near the market maker's protection price of 1 US dollar. Next, sit tight and hold on. The rocket 🚀 takes off. It is now easy to 2.25 US dollars. 1.55 can be considered for entry. The current price breaks through the previous high and there is still 130% room!
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