The following is Andy’s own statement:

Buy Bitcoin and bet on a chance to break through

My name is Andy. I currently live in Hong Kong. I am a Bitcoin player and currently hold more than 150 Bitcoins.

I graduated from a 985 university in South China with a master's degree in computer science. By chance, I came to Hong Kong to work in IT. I first came into contact with Bitcoin in 2014, when my colleagues were discussing Bitcoin. To be honest, when I first heard about Bitcoin, I felt very novel and didn't understand what it was. I was also quite confused about the fact that a graphics card could be used for "mining".

The first time I bought Bitcoin was purely accidental. I was working in Hong Kong at the time and needed some foreign exchange, so I thought this would be a good way to do it. In early 2015, I bought Bitcoin twice. The first time I bought more than 1,000 coins, and the second time I bought nearly 2,000 coins. The price at that time was about $200 per coin.

Unexpectedly, transactions in Hong Kong were not convenient at that time, and the price of Bitcoin rose again. After making about US$500,000, I sold it in China.

After selling it this time, I didn’t buy any more for a few months. Instead, I learned about blockchain and Bitcoin on the Internet and various forums. In addition, I work in IT, so I’m quick to accept new things.

At that time, there were two opinions in public opinion, which were very divided. One group believed that Bitcoin was a Ponzi scheme, especially since Buffett also publicly said in an interview that Bitcoin was worthless. Even now, many people still hold this view. The other group, including some well-known people, strongly supported Bitcoin and believed that it was very unique.

Although some laymen believe that Bitcoin is not secure, and many people believe that quantum computers will soon break Bitcoin. But in fact, that is not possible yet, and quantum computers will only exist in theory in the foreseeable future. Bitcoin has been mathematically proven to be safe and reliable.

Based on the fact that Bitcoin is safe, I know this thing is definitely different. I even think that a new digital era may be coming.

But this is not enough to make me buy Bitcoin again and hold it for a few years. Another deeper reason is that I want to change my class too much.

I was born in a rural area in Guangdong. My family was ordinary when I was young, and my parents were very frugal. I envied my classmates from more affluent families who had game consoles since childhood, but at that time, I could only suppress my desire for material things. This memory of material scarcity did have a great impact on my later growth.

When I was a graduate student, I read an article that summarized various successful large companies and big people. In fact, they almost died before they succeeded. But at the critical moment, they all took a gamble and succeeded.

This inspired me deeply at the time. I kept thinking whether I could have a chance to gamble once. But in fact, not everyone has the opportunity to gamble. Even if you want to, you may not be able to encounter it.

After I started working, I came across Bitcoin and I thought it was my chance. I thought it was worth a try. When I bought it again, I thought it would either go back to zero or go up very high. It would not stay at a middle price.

I did buy Bitcoin again with the intention of breaking through my own class. At that time, I thought that I could make 50 times the principal, that is, more than 20 million yuan, and then leave the market. However, judging from today's earnings, it has far exceeded my expectations. It is really a pleasant surprise.


Bitcoin accounts fluctuated wildly, with assets reaching nearly 100 million at their peak

In the second half of 2015, I started to buy Bitcoin in batches with the profits I had previously earned. By the beginning of 2016, I held more than 400 Bitcoins in total.

Soon after I started holding Bitcoin, I faced many uncertainties. At that time, I had more than 100 Bitcoins on a Chinese Bitcoin trading platform. In early 2017, after the People's Bank of China interviewed major trading platforms, my account was frozen.

The platform required a lot of information, including proof that I was myself. About two months later, my account was unfrozen. After the unfrozen, I had a sense of distrust towards the platform and was afraid that it would be frozen again in the future, so I quickly withdrew the remaining bitcoins and put them in the electrum "cold wallet" made by two Surfaces.

At the end of 2017, Bitcoin ushered in its first bull market. At that time, the price of Bitcoin rose to nearly $20,000 per coin. Together with the forked coins and airdrop coins I held, my account assets were close to 90 million yuan. During this period, I sold Bitcoin step by step and in batches, selling two to three every day, and I would never sell more no matter how high the price rose that day.

After this wave of market, plus some sales along the way, I still had close to 200 bitcoins in my hands before the bull market came in 2020.

At that time, I didn’t dare to tell my wife about the amount of Bitcoin I held, fearing that she couldn’t bear the ups and downs. It turned out that I was right not to tell her. At the lowest point, my total Bitcoin assets dropped to less than 10 million yuan. But later, I still told her.

In March 2020, the epidemic was particularly severe, and Bitcoin experienced a round of plunges, including the "3.12" incident. At that time, my wife and I went for a walk on the beach every day, and I comforted her, saying that it should be treated as if this thing did not exist and she should forget about it.

Even when the market was at its worst, I never thought about selling it or giving it up for nothing. Because how can you win if you don’t gamble?

This wait lasted until the bull market in the second half of 2020. From January 2021 to date, I have sold more than 40 bitcoins in total. I started selling on the day when the price of bitcoin exceeded $40,000 per coin. When selling bitcoins, I still adopted the strategy of selling in batches, selling one or two per day regardless of the price. Now I have more than 150 bitcoins left.

Now, I have two houses in Hong Kong. The first one was bought with my salary, and the second one was bought entirely with the cash from Bitcoin. The total value of my assets, including the Bitcoin in my account and the assets other than Bitcoin, is equal.

I still have more than 150 bitcoins in my hands, and I am currently adjusting my strategy to sell them very slowly, because I find that the atmosphere is different this time, and big institutions have come in, so I think this bull market will be quite long. I used to sell about two a day, but now I sell very little, maybe 0.5, 0.2, 0.1, etc. a day.

I have been thinking about a question recently, which is to try to keep the number of bitcoins held above 100 in the medium term.


After becoming financially independent, I still take the subway to work

I often wonder if my life is too dramatic. I also keep asking myself, if I have another chance, can I still be so lucky? But I know that today's luck is the result of many factors.

First of all, I am a person who can hold on to things. You can see in some groups that many people are particularly panicked about the rise and fall of stocks. But for me, although I feel very disappointed, I will think that if you want to gain something, you must bear the risk.

In fact, when experiencing the surge and plunge of Bitcoin, the mood in the early and late stages is very different. In the early stage, if it surges, I will feel very happy and feel that I am getting richer and richer; if it plummets, I will feel very disappointed and can't sleep well. Every day when I wake up, I will check how much money I have lost.

Now, the situation has changed a lot. After all, I have cashed out a lot. For the remaining bitcoins, it is just a matter of timing to exit. So, when the price plummeted, I didn't care; when it rose, I thought about how much I should sell. During the rise, I insisted on selling because you can't guess the top, and you don't know where the top is, just like buying at the bottom.

When you sell Bitcoin, you will feel relaxed because you don’t have to bear such a big risk, and you have the sense of security of having the money in your pocket.

I still hold more than 150 bitcoins, as well as forked coins and airdrop coins worth more than 2 million yuan. Although I have so many assets, I am very low-key. People around me basically don’t know about it. I don’t want to tell them, worried that it may affect the relationship between the two parties.

I have been holding it in for so many years, and it is actually quite uncomfortable. Last month, I finally couldn't help but tell my parents that I have more than a dozen bitcoins, but they couldn't understand it at all. I told my daughter that our family has 3 bitcoins, and my daughter said with a smile, with our financial resources, why did we only buy 3 in the first place?

The assets I currently own are about the same as the Bitcoin I hold, so even if Bitcoin goes to zero, it will not have a big impact on my life. In fact, we don’t have too high requirements for material things, and we have bought everything we should buy.

Suddenly I have so much wealth. My wife often asks me if I will get carried away. I tell her that after experiencing the ups and downs over the years, I am used to it. But my mentality is still more or less affected. I can't describe the feeling, but in terms of actions, I treat my family better, I will be more generous, and buy some more expensive items for them.

I haven't rewarded myself with anything. The only time was when I bought myself a PS4PRO&VR game console. It wasn't expensive, just a few thousand dollars. I loved playing game consoles when I was a child, but I didn't have the means. After buying it, I didn't play it much.

I know that many people drive luxury cars when they have money, but I don’t have one either. I still go to work by subway. Now, I don’t seem to have too many material pursuits.

The only thing that makes me anxious is that I suddenly have so much wealth, but I don’t know how to manage it more effectively. This is actually not an easy thing to do, so most of my funds are still deposited in the bank for the time being.

Another thing that will affect my mentality is whether I should continue to work. Especially this year, Bitcoin has performed very well. If my job was not so ideal, I might have quit long ago. In fact, my career has been quite smooth. Now I have an annual salary of more than 1 million yuan, as well as company stocks and quarterly dividends. Although I have been considering quitting, I am reluctant to do it.

Although I have been thinking about doing something more meaningful in recent years, hoping to give back to society better or help more people, I have not yet decided when to start.

After being in contact with Bitcoin for so many years, I can be considered an old player. I have seen many people come in and out. Some people made money at the beginning, but couldn’t help but come back. After repeating the trade back and forth, they lost almost all their money and finally left the market with a loss.

I often talk to my wife and say that we are really lucky. Of course, we took the necessary risks, and we got a relatively good result.

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