The pressure on BTC daily line has become heavier. The current support of buy orders is not enough to support the breakthrough of the key 64,000 range above. The weekend market will continue to be volatile. The leveraged loan that suddenly appeared after 11 o'clock at night left the market at 3 o'clock in the morning. After leaving the market, the intraday trading volume basically maintained a volatile market. Recently, the main focus of Bitcoin is the change of the main leverage. Every strong increase in Bitcoin is entered through leveraged loans. The same is true for the wave on October 7 [the appearance is completely harvesting contracts again. At present, Bitcoin has reached the 63,000 line] In addition, the difference in the long-short ratio of BTC contracts is not large, 1.16 [12h data] It basically maintains a balanced stage, and this kind of leveraged pull-up market will basically not appear. Follow and like it, and earn millions a year. #SCR开盘 #多军的反击 #9月美国CPI实现6连降