Hey! Friends, you may only know me as a Layer 2 project based on ZK-rollup, but do you know my real charm? Today I will brag about myself and tell you why developers and community partners are willing to choose me.

Super compatible

Let me talk about my hard bones first. I am almost completely compatible with the Ethereum mainnet, which means that all your smart contracts and DApps on the mainnet can be seamlessly moved to me! Developers can save a lot of trouble. They can launch new projects without changing the code. Isn’t this worry-free? No wonder they say I am developer-friendly!

I'm a technical expert

Moreover, my internal skills are my specialty! I use zkEVM technology, which you can think of as a supercomputing engine with stealth capabilities. My transactions are fast, low-cost, and can protect user privacy. I am a real techie with both good looks and strength. If developers want to develop financial and social applications, they will be in their element here.

Let’s take a look at my on-chain data.

First look at the picture on the left - the amount of ETH deposited:

From October 2023 to now, my ETH deposit has been increasing steadily. Just like bank depositors, many people choose to deposit ETH and hold it. Look at the curve. It surged to 50,000 ETH in the first few months, and then began to grow steadily. Although the increase is not as rapid as at the beginning, it shows that most people still trust me and keep ETH with me as a long-term holding method.

Let’s take a look at the graph on the right — the cumulative growth of ETH transaction volume:

From the graph, my ETH transaction volume developed very smoothly in the early stage, reaching a cumulative transaction volume of 100,000 around the beginning of 2024. Although there were some ups and downs afterwards, it was still rising steadily overall. Whenever I see the transaction volume increase steadily, I feel a sense of accomplishment: this shows that users are not only depositing ETH, but also frequently operating, interacting, and experiencing various DeFi gameplays with me.

Although I am still a baby, I have actually been running on the mainnet for 366 days! In this year, I have been working hard to provide everyone with a stable expansion solution. Did you see the deposit amount of 79,032 ETH? This is not a small amount! Every ETH is the recognition and support of users for me.

Although I work hard, I can't ignore my shortcomings.

User activity fluctuates greatly

Many users become "dormant" after being active in the early stages.

Improvement: Introduce more incentives and features to keep users engaged.

The project is not attractive enough

There is insufficient ecological diversity and few types of projects.

Improvement: Introduce new projects, strengthen cooperation, set up ecological funds, and attract more developers.

Transaction fees still have room for improvement

High fees affect user experience.

Improvement: Continue to optimize the architecture and explore tiered charging and transaction points rewards.

Weak cross-chain interoperability

Cross-chain is difficult and inconvenient for users to operate.

Improvement: Accelerate cooperation with other L2 projects and cross-chain bridges to achieve seamless asset flow.

Lack of community participation

The governance mechanism is imperfect and user participation is low.

Improvement: Introduce a voting system and governance rewards to allow users to participate more in decision-making.

Let’s talk about the future

Although I am only playing in the Ethereum ecosystem now, my goal is not small. In the future, I want to visit more L2 networks and chains, open up cross-chain channels, and realize asset interoperability. In other words, I want to not only be a good partner of Ethereum, but also become a "super connector" in the Web3 world! Assets and applications on every chain can be circulated and interoperated with me. #SCR新币挖矿开始! #6万保卫战 #币安LaunchpoolSCR