Burger Cities is a cryptocurrency with a price of $0.468058851874 on October 10, 2024, and a trading volume of $2.41M in 24 hours. In the past 24 hours, the price of BURGER has changed by +$0.0008134364680.17%, with a 24-hour minimum price of $0.3797911 and a maximum price of $0.39956067. The 7-day minimum price is $0.3797911 and the 7-day maximum price is $0.45117795. The historical lowest price is $0.28992799 on May 12, 2022, while the historical highest price is $28.01, recorded on 2021-05-03. The current price is 98.32895804400572% lower than the highest point.

In addition, Burger Cities aims to create a unified and standardized Web3 Metaverse world by integrating DeFi, NFT and the wider Metaverse. Users can conduct daily activities such as socializing and gaming in this world, and experience the functions of DeFi and NFT, such as trading, betting, NFT exhibitions or Gamefi, etc.

When investing in cryptocurrencies, it is necessary to take into account the high volatility of the market, and you should conduct your own research and risk assessment.