Which of the following hot sectors do you think is good?
❤️1. Public chain sector
Leading coins: BTC (Bitcoin), ETH (Ethereum) New coins/potential coins: SOL (Solana), BNB (Binance Coin), AVAX (Avalon), DOT (Polkado), etc. .
❤️2. DeFi (decentralized finance) sector
Leading coins: AAVE, COMP New coins/potential coins: CRV, DYDX, RDNT, UNI (Uniswap), etc.
❤️3. AI (artificial intelligence) sector
Leading coins: AGIX, FET New coins/potential coins: WLD, NMR, RNDR (Render Token), etc.
❤️4. Layer 2 sector
Leading coins: OP, ARB New coins/potential coins: METIS, IMX, ZKSwap, etc. These projects are committed to solving the scalability and performance issues of blockchain
❤️5. Oracle sector
Leading coins: LINK, TRB New coins/potential coins: API3, BAND, etc. These projects provide data sources and information verification services, which are crucial to the development of DeFi and other fields
❤️6. Storage sector
Leading coins: AR, FIL New coins/potential coins: STORJ, BLZ, etc. These projects provide distributed storage and data transmission services
❤️7. Modular sector
Representative currencies: TIA, DYM, MANTA, ALT, etc. These projects provide modular and customized blockchain solutions
❤️8. MEME sector
Leading coins: DOGE (Dogecoin), SHIB (Shiba Inu coin)
New coins/potential coins: PEPE, FLOKI, BABYDOGE, etc.