A few additional points

1. When speculating in the secondary market, risk management should be the first priority. All profits are actually rewards for good risk management, not rewards for courage.

2. The risk of each transaction should be controlled between 0.5% and 1% of the total funds, and never more than 2%.

3. Give up the big and empty trading concept and focus on each of your transactions, so that you will not feel that there are so-called institutions in the market targeting you.

*Your only enemy is yourself, at least in the early stages of trading.

4. To make continuous profits, your strategy needs to be "EDGE", that is, to find high odds positions. Finding these positions usually requires relying on mathematical modules #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #Moonbix #EIGEN、OP、ENA大额解锁 #非农人数大幅升温 #币安LaunchpoolSCR