The influx of clueless newcomers, driven by Telegram mini apps and TON airdrops, is causing real damage to the crypto market. These new entrants, who lack any understanding of market fundamentals, are flooding chats with phrases like "DOGS to the moon" or "HMSTR to $45" without any real grasp of what they’re talking about. It’s not just irritating; it’s harmful to the entire crypto space.

Here’s how it’s damaging the market:

1. **Liquidity Drain**: These "meme coin" tokens are diverting liquidity from actual projects. Serious investors are holding back because they see funds being funneled into pointless coins that only enjoy brief hype. Once the hype dies, the liquidity vanishes, leaving the market dry.

2. **Price Manipulation**: The panic buying and selling caused by these newcomers lead to extreme volatility. Waves of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) drive prices to absurd levels, only for them to crash just as quickly in a wave of panic. Legitimate projects suffer as investors chase hype instead of real value.

3. **Pump-and-Dump Schemes**: These new traders are prime targets for pump-and-dump schemes. They buy into hype without understanding the risks, then dump their tokens at a loss when prices crash, causing widespread chaos in the market.

4. **Panic Spread**: These inexperienced users spread panic across the market. A sudden sell-off of a worthless coin creates fear, leading people to pull out of legitimate projects, driving prices down, and causing unnecessary damage.

Crypto shouldn’t be a playground for "get-rich-quick" schemes — it’s a space for innovation, long-term growth, and real value. It’s time to start treating it that way.

Major exchanges need to step up. They should ban or refuse to list these useless Telegram-based tokens to keep the market clean. If we allow this reckless behavior to continue in the crypto space, we’ll see more panic, more volatility, and the complete dilution of the serious work being done in the industry.

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