Regarding the non-farm payrolls last Friday, I reminded everyone of the short orders.

Let me tell you about our arrangements here.

The real market entered at the 60,600 area.

We did not cover our positions or add positions along the way.

After the non-farm payrolls were announced, I turned around and bought.

I got 62,800 and sold.

I bought again early this Monday morning and sold at 63,800.

I doubled the price at 64,000. The average price is basically in the 63,000 area.

The current stage of the retracement in the afternoon. The point for everyone to exit is 63,100.

It can be considered as a conclusion!

Due to many sensitive restrictions on your website, I cannot post records.

I will not disclose them one by one.

The idea is open to the whole network.

I also reminded you to double the price.

I also reminded you to short if 64,000 is not broken. Watch for a retracement!

If the haters keep saying that I am behind the horse

I want to ask, are you my client?

Did I charge you a penny?

Don't you think about how many fans I have on the Internet?

Do I need to cheat?

I said the dead were alive, and the wrong ones were right.

How can I lead real customers? They can't see it? It's really stupid!

You are an ophthalmologist. It's up to you whether to follow or not.

You are not clear about your position. How dare you show off here?

I just want to ask who gave you the courage to keyboard others on the Internet?

Okay, most of the fans are still very kind.

I understand a small number of trolls, those few soybeans

Today I look at Zhang San and tomorrow I look at Li Si

Right, God, wrong, pit.

Over time, this person will disappear!

My strategy, my position, my direction.

My fans know it.

I won't write ambiguous strategies.

I won't use them to fool you.

Sincerity for sincerity.

If you don't like to watch me, just unfollow me.

There is no need to watch me all the time.



5800 fans, love you! #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #加密市场反弹 #Bitwise申请XRPETF #灰度拟推出AAVE信托基金 #美SEC对Ripple案裁决提出上诉 $BTC $ETH $SOL