10.7 Talk about the outlook for the market

1. The downward shock will continue until the middle of the 25 years. This will be a long and painful market. There will be neither a big bull market nor a unilateral decline. Whenever you are passionate and yearning, the market will pour cold water on you; whenever you are on the verge of despair, the market will head up again;

As for those who are obsessed with the time after the halving and hold the inertial thinking of the bull market, they will go bankrupt and withdraw from the circle in this long and painful market

There are many reasons: BTC market share will peak, QT to QE is a long process, the full-scale war in the Middle East will cause repeated inflation, and there are still many uncertainties about whether the degree of economic recession can be soft-landed, and the current price of BTC is no longer attractive

2. For the fourth quarter, the market is still full of opportunities. Bands are a good strategy. Above 65,000, you should wait for the opportunity to short, and below 49,000, you should wait for the opportunity to go long. Of course, I can't predict the top and bottom on the left, but the price enters this range and adopts the corresponding strategy #HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #非农人数大幅升温 #加密市场反弹