Atom is the token that represents Cosmos, little reported by the Brazilian media and Brazilian gurus.

Atom is an inflationary and unlimited token that entitles you to governance over the Hub. The Cosmos/Atom Blockchain as a layer 0 does not run smart contracts. Because it was something different, some criticized the issue of usability of the Atom token in the past.

Currently, the Atom token is widely used for several StableCoins in the Cosmos ecosystem, such as; Ist(Agoric) and USk(Kujira). Furthermore, Atom is today the governance and security token (through staking) for several Blockchains. Yes, whoever is in the Atom stake governs and contributes to the security of several Blockchains, examples; Neutron, Stride, Duality (will be released later this year). Also not forgetting Atom's net stake which is done through Blockchain Stride; and Blockchain Neutron running smart contracts. In short, the use cases exceed many layers 1 and 2 on the market.

How to invest in an inflationary token with unlimited supply?

An example is Ethereum, but let's not compare and say that the value on the token's screen will surpass eth. We just cite it as a case that proved that it is not impossible to succeed and for investors to make large profits.

In Atom, it currently works differently where since its creation it has always used the DPOS mechanism and also has burning when a proposal is voted "not with veto" the tokens used to create the proposal are burned. Atom/Cosmos currently counts on a market in general that is still not very favorable, with more than 60% of all tokens being staked (out of circulation) and with a decreasing inflation rate as new Blockchains emerge with tokens that make up their security structure through from Atom staking.

Today, anyone who starts staking Atom shares an average apr of 18% and receives several tokens and liquid tokens.

Ultimately, only time will tell who will resist and have their place in the sun in this new and constantly evolving market.

Smart Investment Strategy - SIS OpiniÔes:

Henri Steel Chie: "I truly believe in the project and I and my family invested. I think that sums it up, right?!? Laughs"

PatrĂ­cia Moura: "Atom, I like the project and I believe it has already worked and it just needs time to gain market share. Atom reminds me of the "atomist" philosophers, I recommend it to anyone who doesn't know."

Fernando Alencar: "Atom, is an extremely strong token and has been gaining more and more usability and reducing its inflation; I think there is no reason not to invest. The fear of being left out is real and those who do not invest should study it. I do not recommend investment and yes, studying about it is fascinating."

Smart Investment Strategy - SIS "Your Success is Our Success!" - Autonomous Teaching School on Investments in Digital Assets and Creator of the RPC Teaching Method (Crypto Passive Income).

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