The pressure to hand in homework on the weekend is great, mainly because there is nothing to write about. It is the lowest point in the low tide of liquidity. Although there is a positive non-farm payrolls on Friday, once the market makers and institutions take a vacation on the weekend, the real purchasing power is terrible. The turnover in the last 24 hours is only 53,871.8 #BTC. It is estimated that it will be around 10,000 by Sunday. This data is similar to the bear market. Although the price is like a bull market, there are too few investors participating in buying and selling.

The volatility in recent days has broken up the single price dense chip area. The recent highest point is less than 440,000 BTC, which means that the impact on the price may be relatively low. If there is no more direct positive or negative data, the possibility of small fluctuations is still very high.

The main support area of ​​concentrated chips is still between $64,000 and $69,000. This position has been quite stable so far. After a long period of washing, there are not many short-term investors. We have said many times that as long as there is no large-scale selling in the concentrated area of ​​concentrated chips, the pressure on prices will not be great. Even if there is a short-term decline, there is a high possibility of rebound.

#HBO纪录片或揭示中本聪身份 #9月小非农数据高于预期