The market value of Len Sassaman token is 64.0k, the 1-hour trading volume is 14.2k, the number of coins held increased by 481, the number of transactions is 53, the liquidity is 4.56 ETH, the UniswapV2 buy tax is 0.0, the sell tax is 4.0, the average tax is 9.1, the maximum tax is 11.9, the opening purchase limit is ✅, the risk is low, the total amount is 1000000000, the token accounts for 24.45%, the Dev accounts for 4.0%, the Pair accounts for 16.52%, the deployer is 0x36bc9336dfacfad53269c98b7bdfb7cc8649228b, and the deployment time is 2024-10-05 23:52:11. #feedfeverchallenge