💡🌟 Survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle, classic strategy sharing! Learn these, take fewer detours, and make more stable money! 💰💼

I just had tea and chatted with an old friend until late at night. He is a veteran who has seen through the market. He summarized several investment truths for me, which made me realize it! 🔥I will share it with my brothers today. These dry goods will definitely be useful to you! 👇👇👇

1️⃣ Withdraw when you make a lot of money! Don't fight! ✈️🌍

There are always opportunities in the market, but it is difficult for your mentality and health to recover. **Take a break when you make the ideal return! **Why not go around the world, relax your mentality, and don't be led by the market!

2️⃣ Continuous loss of 10%? Reflect on the reason immediately! 🚫📉

Big losses often start from small mistakes. If the loss exceeds 10%, you must calm down and find out the reason. **Avoid traps and prevent getting deeper and deeper! **💥

3️⃣ Short-term trading, don't do it if it's unclear! 🛑🔍

The key to short-term trading is one word: accurate! **Don't touch opportunities that are unclear or uncertain! **Such ambiguous opportunities are the easiest to fall into traps!

4️⃣ Increase by more than 50%? Beware of "fishing traps"! 🐟⚠️

When a coin increases by more than 50%, chasing it often means being trapped at a high position! ⚠️Sometimes there may be a trap behind the rapid growth, be careful to become a receiver!

5️⃣ After a big increase, don't chase it if it is at a high level! 😈🧠

High volume at a high level? Stay calm! In this case, it is easy for the dealer to "lure more" and increase the buying volume to induce you to enter the market impulsively, and the result is that you will be cut off. 😱

6️⃣ Buy low in a weak market and buy back in a strong market! 📈🔄

When the market is weak, only enter the market in small amounts when it falls to the support level; and when the market is strong, wait for a correction before adding to the position. ⏳This will stabilize the rhythm and prevent the market from backlashing when you shouldn't enter the market.

7️⃣ Don't add to the position if you don't understand or are not sure! 🏠🛡

Adding to the position requires 90% certainty! 🔒When you are uncertain, don't impulsively add to the position. Only entering the market in batches at a low level is the safe way!

8️⃣ Operate in a familiar mode and make risk-free money! 🧩💡

Every trader has his own "holy grail strategy"! Only enter the market in a familiar mode and make the money you are most sure of. This is the secret to long-term profitability!

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