It is impossible to predict whether the bull market will come, nor is it possible to guess the market trend. But I can fully control the risks of each transaction, and I can actively control all risks.

The risks of each transaction can be calculated clearly, accurate to cents. The essence of trading is to control risks, not to try to predict the future.

Dear friends, the bull market requires a "cost", don't turn it into a "cost".

I don't know whether the bull market will start or rebound structurally, and I don't intend to predict it.

For the altcoins that have risen sharply, timely stop profit part of the time, which can not only lock in profits, but also reduce psychological burden.

For those altcoins that have not yet started, continue to hold, and will not blindly increase positions.

Realistic goals + clear risks + a little luck = curve new high #鲍威尔谈话后市场调整降息预期 #币安上线EIGEN #非农就业数据即将公布 #伊朗导弹袭击以色列 #大A香还是大饼香