Christian Angermayer, a leading crypto billionaire, also recently hit the news as he quit the UK for Switzerland, where he moved to Lugano. His move is in response to tax reforms put forward by the UK that are designed to disrupt the arrangements long enjoyed by non-domiciled (non-dom) residents, who can pay little or no tax on offshore wealth. However, one of the most powerful crypto billionaires does this in a trend among super-rich people to find friendlier tax domiciles as the UK is ramping up its regulations on offshore wealth tributaries.

Why Christian Angermayer Left the UK

Angermayer had been resident in London for more than a decade using non-dom tax status which enables wealthy foreigners to avoid paying taxes on their overseas income while resident in the UK. However, news that the UK government was planning to reduce this tax-exempt period from 15 years to four, as well as possibly cut inheritance tax breaks for assets in offshore trusts, gave the crypto billionaire pause.

Angermayer knew exactly what he was talking about and pulled no punches, calling the changes a “huge mistake” that would end up doing more damage to the UK financially than Brexit. Many wealthy individuals are now planning their escape from the UK, alarmed at what they see as the onset of dramatically higher tax levels. Angermayer’s move, as a crypto billionaire, is being seen at the severe end of the financial squeeze that could see more departures from the UK’s wealthy community due to regulatory pressures Solana’s defence mechanism fork.

Switzerland: The New Haven for Crypto Billionaires

Switzerland, and more specifically Lugano, is fast becoming a home to crypto billionaires like Angermayer due to its … The city is a haven for Bitcoiners): it has favourable regulatory regimes, and people there can easily use BTC and Tether(USDT) in any daily activities. There are more than 250 merchants that accepted the crypto in Lugano, and hosting of the annual Plan ₿ Forum has further cemented its reputation as the leading digital currency city in the world.

Combine this with how crypto billionaire Angermayer has capitalized on the panic from the pandemic and you have the perfect recipe for pouring money into developing blockchain, not to mention digital assets. While his family office, Apeiron Investment Group — which targets biotech, psychedelics and crypto ventures from yearling through mezzanine— will continue to operate from London, his personal move to Switzerland marks that he’s gravitating toward a more crypto-friendly jurisdiction.

The Impact on the UK’s Financial Landscape

This week, Angermayer and several of his crypto billionaire friends vacating the UK all at once presents a bigger challenge to its financial ecosystem. Although the UK is introducing rules it says will protect consumers, and measures to balance innovation with safeguards for customers, a spate of rich residents leaving could dent its claim to be a leading global financial centre.


Under the new tax measures, the UK government is expected to raise a lot of money, but if wealthy people such as crypto billionaires continue to emigrate, they may not get the new money. However, the departure of leading figures like Angermayer may potentially hamper the UK’s fast-growing crypto sector, which has experienced significant growth over the last few years.


Christian Angermayer’s move to Switzerland is the poster child example of where crypto meets wealth and regulatory frameworks. A tax titan in the land of the cryptocurrencies: his choice of country is a powerful demonstration of how tax policy can still shape the flow of global capital and why it is important for governments to address profit shifting head-on. With its crypto-friendly status, Switzerland is the go-to choice for many an uber-wealthy investor looking to escape taxes and gain regulatory clarity, while the UK’s crown as a hub for wealthy investors risks slipping. However, it is worth keeping an eye on Angermayer since his exit could point to a bigger shift in sentiment as more high-net-worth individuals and crypto billionaires continue to seek out alternative jurisdictions that are more in line with their money and business.

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