Comprehensive interpretation of BTC market in October

1. Monthly market

1) The opening price of this month's monthly line is just near the closing price of last month's monthly line.

2) At present, the overall situation is still in a volatile stage. The high point of the September monthly line is higher than the high point of August, and the low point is higher than the low point of August

3) Therefore, from the perspective of the monthly line, the low point of August is most likely the low point of this stage. This month's retracement is a buying opportunity. Continue to look up and look forward to breaking through new highs.

2. Weekly market

1) After plundering bsl at the high point last week, it is currently in a correction state this week

2) We look forward to obtaining w fvg liquidity after plundering last week's low point

Then continue to test the high point of range-H upward.

3) The current market tests range-eq, which is also the lower edge of vwap this quarter.

Pay attention to the current price. If it stands firm on range-eq, there is a certain probability that it will go directly up.

3. Daily chart

1) Looking at the range, after the August pin, it is currently in a volatile upward structure.

Now it belongs to the second stage of the rise, which has not yet ended.

2) At present, we are expecting a retracement to enter the market. Here, we first look at whether eql 623 is plundered.

If not, then continue to move upward. If it is plundered, we can expect a further retracement.

3) Spot orders can be considered around 605.595.

4. Hourly chart

1) Hourly falling structure, currently still belongs to the oscillating falling market.

Here we first look at the H1 bearish ob test. If it does not break, continue to look down and expect to plunder eq:



If it breaks through, pay attention to the strong state of the market, and there is a high probability that it will continue to move upward.

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