5 high-quality interactive tasks sorted out on 9.30, a violent bull market in October? Let’s look forward to it together, but keep doing it first, and you will receive blessings every day!

1️⃣Binance Labs powered


Airdrop Interaction Tutorial: Earn Potential Airdrops

🌟Download the Aggregata Google extension

🌟Log in to your ChatGPT account and enter the invitation code r8yrxd3g


🌟Ask ChatGPT any questions and claim your points

2️⃣Sonic airdrops 200 million $S tokens, worth $140 million, open airdrop, hurry up when the event starts!

🌟Add Sonic testnet to Web3 wallet

🌟Get water

🌟Play games to earn $S airdrop points, countdown resets every day at UTC 00:00

3️⃣Overseas crypto blogger: sort out 10 crypto airdrop projects that will change your life

Sort out 10 high-quality projects and follow them if you want to do them

4️⃣Flock, which raised $6 million in seed rounds, early free airdrop tutorial

🌟Enter the website

🌟Click on the above [Point] to enter the points viewing page

🌟Complete the simple social media tasks first, and earn points

🌟Click the homepage [create model], continue to contribute data, upload text, links, and verify data.

5️⃣Lead Wang Dayou airdrop, as long as the wallet has an address recorded on the chain, you can receive it. The earlier the wallet address is created, the more you can receive. If it is greater than 10,000, you can earn. High-quality addresses are around 10-40u

🌟Receipt link: