#BNB#Binance#BinanceRegistration#BinanceTutorial#BinanceChina #BinanceDownload

Fill in the referral code: YISPALEX to enjoy 20% rebate

This article uses a transaction volume of 10,000 for the uContract to calculate the transaction fees of EURET and Binance respectively.

EuroEasy transaction fee: 0.05% for taker order and 0.02% for maker order. If the transaction volume is 10000u

The taker fee is: 10000*0.05%=5u

The order fee is: 10000*0.02%=2u

Then we calculate that if we open a position of 10,000 USD and close a position of 10,000 USD, the required handling fee is between 4-10.

If you have 100 USDT on Binance, and you open a market order with 100x leverage.

100*100 = 10000USDT position nominal value

We calculate it based on the taker fee rate of 0.05%, 10000*0.05% =5USDT, which is the opening fee.

If we calculate based on the 0.02% fee rate for pending orders, 10000*0.02%=2USDT, which is the handling fee for opening a pending order.

Then we calculate that if we open a position of 10,000 USD and close a position of 10,000 USD, the required handling fee is between 4-10.
If we fill in the invitation code YISPALEX, we can enjoy a 20% rebate, so our accumulated handling fee is between 3.2-8u. If we use it with bnb, the rate will be lower.

To sum up, it is recommended that you trade on Binance, as Binance's transaction fees are relatively more favorable.

Finally, don’t forget to use the referral code, use the referral code YISPALEX to get a 20% reduction in handling fees!
