Regarding the market fluctuations caused by Wormhole W, many investors seem to have been under considerable pressure, and some may even have suffered asset losses. Faced with the current price rise of W, people can't help but wonder, does this mean that it has hit the bottom and started to rebound?

When discussing whether W or ZRO will lead the cross-chain technology trend this quarter, we are faced with a question that is difficult to give a clear answer easily. Both have unique technical potential and market influence, but who will be better depends on how they respond to market challenges and how the overall market direction changes. As for the statement of "who is more XX", since the word "XX" is relatively vague, we can understand it as "more promising" or "more popular", which also depends on the combined effect of multiple factors.

As for the situation that both prices are lower than the purchase price of the previous round of investment funds, this reflects the volatility and uncertainty of the market. When facing this situation, investors need to remain calm, rationally analyze market trends, and make decisions that are in line with their risk tolerance.

As for the question "Which one will increase X more than you?", since the specific references of "you" and "X more" are unclear, we can understand it as asking which token has greater appreciation potential. This is also a complex question, because the appreciation potential of tokens is affected by many factors, including but not limited to market demand, technological progress, policy environment, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to simply give an answer as to which token will increase more.

In general, investing in cryptocurrency is a high-risk activity that requires investors to have sufficient market knowledge and risk awareness. When making investment decisions, investors are advised to conduct sufficient research and analysis and consider their own risk tolerance and investment goals.