Buying point:
Initial buying range: When the price is close to 0.002000 - 0.002050 USDT, you can consider buying for the first time. This area is close to the middle Bollinger Bands track, and the recent low of 0.0015269 USDT may form support, indicating a potential rebound opportunity.
Breaking through the buying point: If the price breaks through 0.002200 USDT and the trading volume increases, this is a potential rebound signal and you can consider adding a position. After breaking this resistance level, the market is likely to push higher.
Take profit point:
The first take-profit target: When the price rebounds to 0.002250 - 0.002300 USDT, which is the upper Bollinger Band and the recent resistance area, partial take-profit can be considered.
Second take-profit target: If the price exceeds 0.002400 USDT, it is recommended to further take profit. This area is a strong resistance level, and the price may rise further after breaking through.
Stop loss point:
Stop loss setting: If the price falls below 0.002000 USDT and the trading volume increases, the loss should be stopped immediately because there is no obvious support below this area and the price may drop further.
Technical indicator support:
EMA(7) and EMA(25): The short-term moving averages EMA(7) and EMA(25) show an upward trend, indicating that the market has rebound momentum in the short term.
Bollinger Bands: The current price is close to the middle track of the Bollinger Bands, indicating that the market has upward potential, but it may also be accompanied by certain shocks, and volatility changes need to be closely observed.
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