《Evergreen——SOL Profitable Shipment》

SOL's performance really put pressure on Ethereum. It must be present in every rebound. Its strong performance also led to a rebound in the sol ecosystem. The hourly line seems to be closing. We should also enjoy the fruits of victory

Sol After we added positions near 130.9, the trend was not smooth, and it once fell to around 127.07, which also allowed Taco to successfully add positions at the second position of 128.6 for fans and friends.

From the 4-hour line, it has signs of going to around 140, but it has been dawdling and unmoved. As night is about to fall, we need to put the profits into our own pockets.

Now we are reducing positions and shipping at the current price of 138.8. During the day, some fans and friends are also asking sol when to reduce positions and leave the market. Taco has been paying attention to the market and strives to get the maximum profit for fans and friends under the same risk environment.

Continue to pay attention to Taco, give you direction when you are confused, comfort you when you are lost, give you warnings when risks may come, and inform you to ambush in advance when savings may come. In short, it cannot make you 100% profitable, but it can definitely avoid many risks.


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