
There exists a vast array of assets in the world which people freely choose as a store-of-value, a

transactional medium, or an investment. We believe the scdo blockchain is a better technology for

transacting, storing, and accounting for these assets.

Primary advantages of scUSdo are: low transaction costs, international borderless transferability and convertibility, trustless ownership and exchange, pseudo-anonymity, real-time


The idea for asset-pegged cryptocurrencies was initially popularized2 in the community we’re starting to see these ideas built with the exchanges and wallets which allow you to hold value as a fiat currency already provide a similar service in that users can avoid the volatility (or other traits) of a particular cryptocurrency by selling them for fiat currency, gold, or another asset. Further, almost all types of existing financial institutions, payment providers, etc, which allow you to hold fiat value (or other assets)

subsequently provide a similar service. In this white paper we focus on applications wherein the fiat value is stored and transmitted with software that is open-source, cryptographically secure, and uses distributed

ledger technology, i.e. a true cryptocurrency.

While the goal of any successful cryptocurrency is to completely eliminate the requirement of trust, each of

the aforementioned implementations either rely on a trusted third party or have other technical, market-based, or process-based drawbacks and limitations .