As you watch different dumps, you’ve probably asked yourself many times, "What’s the potential of this dip?"

It’s a mystery to everyone—you might draw many lines on the chart, but it won't work.

But I know one way actually to buy during a dip.

How do people usually buy?

They invest their time, energy, and money, trying to calculate the best time to purchase a drop or buy early.

As a result, a small dip can put you in the red or, worse, cause your position to be liquidated.

One of the common rules is to buy every dip.

But this only works if your capital is almost unlimited and you can afford to wait.

This rule doesn’t hold up throughout the entire bull market.

Typically, a bull run lasts around 20 months from the low to the peak.

During this time, there are two phases:

1. The main goal is to buy the dip, followed by taking profits!

2. The focus shifts entirely to maximizing gains!

Before diving into buying dips, consider these uplifting points:

Is it the perfect season for dip buying?

Is the alternative I'm considering truly undervalued?

If you find both answers are "yes", then you're all set to make your purchase.

I made a similar move with Solana when it started to skyrocket.

I bought most of it at $19, $38, and $83, then sold almost everything at $187.

Maybe I'll regret it later, but profit is profit.

Purchase altcoins when $BTC prices dip.

The easiest method to buy the dip involves dividing your dip-buying funds into four segments.

For instance, if you planned to invest $10,000 during a dip, you could allocate it as follows: $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000.

The simplest and most reliable way is to buy altcoins when $BTC retracts by 5%.

You understand correctly, this means that with every 5% $BTC retracts, you make a buying round.

That happens sometimes—if BTC drops by 5%, altcoins tend to drop even more.

That's why it's important to spread out your purchases, as I mentioned earlier.

This way, you'll buy up every local bottom and come out ahead in the long run.

You can freely adjust the numbers, as this is just an example.

BTC often dumps by 5%, so you might want to tweak your strategy to 10%, and then divide your buying capital into three parts.

Sometimes, altcoins don't dump along with BTC—in that case, hold off on buying.

I hope my article was helpful, if so, please :

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