$BNB Binance joins the Telegram mini-game track and releases the Telegram game Moonbix. Instead of asking other games to attract new users, it is better to make your own games to attract new users, and you can also do launchpool.

The tasks are very simple, all of which are fake verifications. Paying attention to Binance announcements and binding Binance Telegram is real verification, and you can get more than 10,000 points. You can play as many accounts as you can KYC with Binance. You need to use your real name to claim rewards according to the rules. It is useless to play too much.

[Regarding the authenticity dispute of the mini-program, it has been confirmed to be true, see Figure 3 Binance announcement. Click to view the introduction of Moonbix on Binance official website]

Open the invitation link in the browser:

https:Remove the text//t.me/Binance_Moonbix_bot/start?startApp=ref_1872870375&startapp=ref_1872870375&utm_medium=web_share_copy