These past two days, all attention has been on Telegram and especially the $TON Ecosystem!
It is undeniable that $TON has a strong presence this season. This could be the hst that leads newcomers to crypto this season.
Almost all the popular items a few months ago have been listed on Binance. $NOT - $DOGS - $HMSTR - $CATI.
Typically, looking at $NOT, which was extremely hot before after the strong wave after being listed on Binance, today all eyes are on $DOGS, a product that could be a catalyst to help non-crypto users access exchanges and especially the crypto game in the future.
Last season, it led newcomers in with huge profits from Defi and gamefi, and this season, it is undeniable that meme is doing a great job of attracting F0.
In the short term, there will be waves that will wipe out retail stores, so you should try to take full advantage of these opportunities to gain a position before entering the big wave of the market.