🪂 Let @PredX_AI predict whether $TON can reach $7 in September? Vote at a low cost to earn future airdrops and price differences
➡Voting link: https://events.predx.ai?uuid=MHg3MWY0ZEM4NDZkMmRhOEM4NTVDNjFjNjJGZmIxOTk3MTM4NDU4ODY4&Y2hhaW5faWQ9ODQ1Mw==
Open the link, connect to the wallet, as shown below, click Crypto → Other → Open Can TON reach $7 in September? Buy Yes or No
After one voting process, you can accumulate more than 100 @PredX_AI points, and there will be airdrops later!
100 points for registering on the website; 2 points for first login; 50 points for first deposit of USDC, 1.5 points for voting with 0.5USDC.
After voting, verify the Odyssey mission, and you will also get points and airdrops:
The voting mechanism is the same as the previous Friendtech. The earlier you vote, the lower the cost. After voting, you can sell your votes at any time.
If there are many people voting, you can make a profit by selling your votes!