The Telegram app was founded by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai. Pavel Durov, a Russian entrepreneur, is best known for his role in creating VKontakte (VK), a popular Russian social networking site. In 2014, after facing increasing pressure from the Russian government to hand over user data, Durov left VK and shifted his focus to Telegram.

Telegram was launched in 2013 as a response to growing concerns about privacy and surveillance. Durov envisioned it as a secure messaging platform, providing users with encrypted communication. Over time, Telegram has grown significantly and has become known for its focus on privacy, user control, and features like large group chats and channels.

Pavel Durov has maintained a low profile, preferring to focus on the development of Telegram rather than personal publicity. Despite various challenges, including legal battles and controversies, Telegram has continued to expand its user base and remains one of the prominent messaging apps globally.

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