Be a good dog, don’t scam people。

This is DOGS, which is very popular on Telegram. As the first dog meme on Telegram, DOGS will be launched on Binance and OKX on the 26th. In just two months, the project has spread from popularity to launch. What is the background of DOGS? What will be the performance after launch?

I suffered a floating loss of 83% before the market opened. Thank you so much, DOGS.

The DOGS community has 16 million members and 43.5 million participating wallet addresses, a huge amount of data that is rare in the crypto world. The rapid spread of DOGS is also due to the full use of Telegram's ecological advantages and some publicity plans:

1. Free airdrops for accounts. When you enable the DOGS wallet for the first time on Telegeram, the program will airdrop a certain amount of $DOGS to you based on the activity level and age of your Tg account. Then you can also get airdrops by inviting others to join the DOGS community. The number of airdrops varies, and it is calculated based on the quality of the invited person's account. The rewards range from dozens to hundreds of coins. This fresh promotional plan instantly attracted a large number of fur lovers, and the community members grew exponentially. I also joined at this time. At that time, my account was worth 3075 coins. After comparing them, the quality did not seem to be very bad.

2. Web2 extends across the border to Web3. Unlike Pepe and Bome, and somewhat similar to WIF, the DOGS token is inspired by Spotty, created by the founder of a social media platform VK at a charity auction to raise funds for an orphanage. Spotty is more than just a painting, it is a symbol of care and charity, and 100% of all sales of Spotty-themed merchandise are used to support orphanages and child welfare organizations. Spotty quickly became a favorite of the public and an ambassador for the DOGS token, giving DOGS a narrative foundation.

3. Charity concept. After DOGS reaches 5 million community members, it will cooperate with Telegram officials to use traditional currency to purchase Stars to exchange for $DOGS, and all the money used for the purchase will be used for charity. In this way, the act of buying $DOGS in the crypto circle is connected to the real world. Not only do you have tokens, but you also do good deeds, making your tokens and the project itself meaningful. (It sounds good, but those who buy stars are pure leeks. I won’t tell you who bought 130,000 DOGS for $2,000 as soon as they saw the surge in the number of users. Xiba, if you don’t buy it and I don’t buy it, how can it be listed on Binance! 😫)

4. Cooperate with exchanges to mine. The success of DOGS comes from the community. 81.5% of the total tokens also belong to the community, and they are not locked. Cooperate with DOGS exchanges to start staking airdrop mining to attract enough attention before the market opens. My friend pledged on Binance and got 200,000 tokens. When I think about the 130,000 I got from "charity", I am really a good person.

The huge community of DOGS has allowed us crypto veterans to see the powerful ecological power of the Telegram platform. As the first dog meme on Telegram, what will be the price performance of DOGS after its opening?

Let's first simply compare the market value:

Token Name Attributes Current Token Price Total Token Value

BOME SOL Three Brothers 0.007167U 68 billion 497 million

BONK SOL Three Brothers 0.000019U 93.52 trillion 1.317 billion

WIF SOL Three Brothers 1.62U 998 million 1.619 billion

PEPE Ethereum meme leader 0.000008113U 420 trillion 3.4 billion

NOT TON leader 0.01079U 102 billion 1.1 billion

DOGS TON’s first dog Meme ?  550 billion         ?

Can it be compared with NOT? Both DOGS and NOT belong to the TON ecosystem, but they are not in the same sector. NOT is a blockchain game; DOGS is more like a meme token like Pepe and Bome.

According to the previous star purchase price of DOGS on Tg, the average price is about 0.018U/coin, and the market value is 9.9 billion US dollars. This is an outrageous valuation for the new currency.

According to the current pre-market price of 0.003U/coin, the market value is 1.65 billion US dollars. The 500th place in the community leaderboard has 436,900 DOGS, worth 1,309U. The first place has 2,378,700 DOGS, worth 71,361U. Relatively speaking, the price of 0.003 is more reasonable.

Can you buy in when the market opens? I advise you not to rush. In fact, when the stars were first sold for purchase, DOGS was already mocked by the public for being a scam. The web3 project did not issue coins, and scammed web2 billions of times. The TON ecosystem is now in dire straits because the founder of Telegram was arrested. The huge total volume of DOGS and the previous scam have already buried a wave of people on the road. The token has 90% of unlocked liquidity. Those who get it for free will make a profit as soon as the market opens. There will inevitably be a lot of selling pressure at the opening. No matter how much you can sell, it’s good to earn without spending a penny.

How low can the price go? I see 0.001-0.0015. Those who like to buy local stocks can start to enter the market. When can it reach 0.018? I also want to know because that is my cost price.