🚨 THE MUSCLE ARREST OF TELEGRAM CEO❗(A hard blow for Dogs owners)

🗞️The main complaint of the French authorities against Telegram and Pavel Durov personally concerns encrypted messages in the messenger. "Over the years, it has become the number 1 platform for organized crime," comments a representative of the French investigation.

Searches are underway in French real estate belonging to Durov, and Durov himself has been taken into custody. Durov is also expected to be questioned on suspicion of eavesdropping on Macron's manager via the secure TG network. A hard neck a few days before the listing of DOGS

Durov is due to appear before a judge this Saturday evening, to answer charges of several crimes. Possible charges include: terr0ri$m, dr0ugs, aiding and abetting, fr@ude, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, ped0phic content. He faces up to 20 years in prison in France.

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