🤖【Quai】🤖 Test network monitoring summary and detailed construction tutorial

🤑【The project currently has a total financing of 10 million W in 2022, led by Poiychain】🤑

1. The Iron Test Network will run for four cycles starting from September 19th and will be closed until December 12th. Finally, 8 million mainnet tokens will be distributed according to the proportion of mining blocks of each address and will be collected through KYC verification;

🚨Note: Run the slice node or the full node, run the mining agent, run the mining program, and the final reward depends on the mining proportion.

2. There are four types of node operation: global node, slice node, multi-slice node, and observer node;

Corresponding node hardware requirements:

☕Global Node

Fast CPU with 4+ cores

32GB+ memory

A fast SSD with at least 3TB of free space

10+ MBit/sec download internet service;

☕Slice node

4-core or above CPU

16GB memory

1TB of available storage for sync

10+ MBit/sec download internet service

🌐Node building tutorial: https://medium.com/@quainetwork.chinese/%E8%B7%91quai-network-%E8%8A%82%E7%82%B9%E6%95%99%E7%A8% 8B-5ec8e6c675b6

🍺Test network faucet collection: https://faucet.quai.network/

3. There are two mining operation types: Ubuntu and HiveOS.

☕Ubuntu building tutorial: https://medium.com/@quainetwork.chinese/quai-network%E5%9C%A8ubuntu%E8%BF%9B%E8%A1%8C%E6%8C%96%E7%9F% BF%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B-71dd0c2fc02f

☕HiveOS building tutorial: https://medium.com/@quainetwork.chinese/quai-network%E5%9C%A8hiveos%E8%BF%9B%E8%A1%8C%E6%8C%96%E7%9F% BF%E6%95%99%E7%A8%8B-8d29ea35a7ce

🚨Note: Due to the current node synchronization problem, mining is temporarily unavailable. It is not clear how the two tutorials will run.