Acupuncture point therapy for impotence

Specific treatment methods: Treatment of impotence is one of the unique techniques of traditional Chinese medicine. The special acupuncture point for treating impotence is the Dishen point on the palm side of the wrist. The key to stimulating the Dishen point is to restore men's self-confidence.

The cause of impotence is the decline of life gate qi. Stimulating the life gate on the palm side of the second joint of the little finger is beneficial to restore the function of the genitals. On this basis, the kidney point on the palm side of the first joint of the little finger and the liver point on the palm side of the second joint of the ring finger are added, and the effect will be better. Cigarette moxibustion is the best method. Moxibustion 8-12 times a day before going to bed. When resting, you can press these acupuncture points with your hands. The treatment lasts for about 6-12 days to cure impotence. At the same time as acupuncture point treatment, you can also use the "golden cold method" handed down from ancient times. After taking a warm bath, get a basin of cold water and immerse the penis in it for 4-6 minutes. This method can greatly improve erectile power.

Massage points: Dishen, life gate (liver point, kidney point)