According to Golden Finance, Kaiko pointed out in his market analysis that BTC’s 60-day realized volatility has steadily declined over the past decade, reaching a multi-year low before the US election. Altcoins have also experienced a similar trend, with both ETH and SOL falling sharply from their annual highs in November. However, this situation has begun to change since the election and President Trump’s victory. XRP’s volatility, in particular, has risen sharply, with realized volatility rising by more than 100% for the first time since July 2023.
The recent cryptocurrency rally has triggered increased demand for stablecoin liquidity both off-chain and on-chain. The cost to borrow USDT and USDC from Binance has more than doubled since late October. While these rates typically fluctuate based on market conditions and supply and demand dynamics, the increase indicates increased demand for leveraged positions in both spot and futures markets. At the same time, stablecoin market capitalization also hit an all-time high.
Additionally, stablecoin lending rates on Aave V3 also rose in November. The USDT-USD cumulative volume delta (CVD) in recent months shows a sharp increase in net buying since November, indicating that traders are shifting from fiat currencies to stablecoins. USDT’s dominance over other dollar-backed stablecoins surged from 69% at the beginning of November to a 13-month high of 86% on November 26, before falling back to 80% last week.
Trading volumes for euro-backed stablecoins surged tenfold over the past month, from $5 million per day in October to a yearly high of more than $70 million in early November, before retreating slightly last week. Trading volumes have remained above $20 million per day for the longest time since 2022, indicating strong demand. The growth was driven primarily by the Eurite (EURI) stablecoin and Circle’s EURC, which accounted for more than 90% of total trading volume in November. While EURC remains the market leader with around 50% market share, MiCA-compliant stablecoin EURI gained traction after launching on Binance in late August.