Binance x CARV | CARV, which raised 50 million, is having a 0-loss event on Binance

⭐️ Event link:

The prize pool has a total of 1,000,000 $CARV and 30,000 $USDC

Project odds: CARV is a high-financing project | Binance expected project | This time the prize pool is also very rich | Another 0-loss project event = speed rush!

OK | How to get more $PTS points↓

⭐️CARV $PTS points acquisition tutorial:

1. You need to log in with Binance Web3 wallet @Web3WithBinance Login | Sign | Interaction all need to be verified with Binance Web3 wallet

2. Enter Dashboard | Points can be obtained in the following ways:

Daily check-in | Bind account | Community tasks | Game tasks | Invite friends

3. Note that each interaction requires Web3 wallet verification signature

⭐️You also need to register a CARV ID

MINT link:

Enter the webpage and click Free CARV (need a little gas from the opBNB chain | about 1U more)

You can complete tasks to get more $SOUL