Investing is different from going to school or working. Whether you study hard or not only determines whether you can pass the exam, and whether you work hard or not only determines the salary.

Even if you fail the exam or get promoted, you still have no loss, right?

Except for wasting a few years, there is no loss, right?

But investing is not like that. If you fail after hard work, it does not mean you are standing still, but you are doomed to fail. If you work hard but have no results, it does not mean you will not make money, but you will lose money, right? Letting you lie down is to save you from hell.

In this market, profit and loss come from the same source. If you make a profit, you will be financially free, but if you lose, you will be doomed to fail. There is no way out in life.

Originally, you will have nothing to worry about after lying down, but you will be even more unlucky after working hard. Why do you still work hard?

Everyone agrees that if the direction is wrong, the effort is in vain, but if the timing is wrong, the effort is in vain, but a lot of people believe that man can conquer nature.

At the wrong timing, the harder you work, the more unfortunate you will be.