Pavel Durov, known for his innovative projects, introduces a new initiative called DOGS, which offers users the opportunity to earn coins simply by using the Telegram messenger. This project was created to stimulate activity on Telegram and reward users for long-term use of the platform.

How it works?

DOGS is a Telegram bot that automatically awards coins to users depending on the time spent in the messenger. The more time you spend on Telegram, the more coins you earn. This is a great opportunity not only for active Telegram users, but also for those who want to receive additional bonuses for their activity.

How to join?

1. Follow the link: (

2. Start the bot: Click on the "Start" button and follow the instructions.

3. Take coins: After launching the bot, you will be awarded coins depending on your activity on Telegram.

Advantages of the DOGS project

- Simplicity and convenience: No additional actions are required other than using Telegram.

- Activity Bonuses: The longer and more often you use Telegram, the more coins you earn.

- Stimulate the use of Telegram: The DOGS platform promotes the growth of activity on Telegram, which has a positive effect on the community.


The DOGS project from Pavel Durov represents a unique opportunity to earn coins for what you are already doing - using Telegram. Join DOGS right now and start earning money!