Uncovering the mystery of why the United States does not cut interest rates: the game behind the scenes of the financial empire

Why is the United States reluctant to cut interest rates? Behind this, it is not simply explained by economic data or non-farm employment. As the core of the financial empire, the economic lifeline of the United States is deeply rooted in the capital market, and its focus is on three key points: the prosperity of the stock market, the safety of U.S. debt, and the strategy of global harvesting. Under this framework, the Fed's decision-making is flexible and changeable, aiming to maintain the balance of this complex system.

At present, the Federal Reserve is in its "comfort zone". Although the total amount of U.S. debt has climbed to an astonishing 34.7 trillion US dollars, it can still remain stable in the short term thanks to the fact that most of it is low-interest old debt. The stock market continues to rise, and inflation is controlled at a moderate level of 3%. Everything seems calm. However, the real intention of the United States is to defeat its opponents and achieve economic "bottom-fishing harvesting". If this goal is not achieved, cutting interest rates to protect itself and exiting the game will become an alternative strategy.

In this game, the Eastern power is naturally the opponent that the United States pays the most attention to. The confrontation between the two sides is figuratively likened to "high blood pressure" against "low blood sugar" - that is, the battle between inflation and deflation. The strategy adopted by the United States is to attract capital repatriation through high interest rates to weaken the economic strength of its opponents, and to curb the production capacity and profits of its opponents through export restrictions. However, China's resilience is beyond expectations. Although the real estate industry has suffered setbacks, it has not collapsed, and the stock market has fallen but is still resilient.

Faced with pressure from the United States, China has demonstrated strong adaptability and coping capabilities. Although export restrictions have increased, the reality that the world is out of stock and China has goods is difficult to change. It only increases the transit links and costs. The United States itself also faces challenges: the soaring interest expenses brought by high-interest bonds, the potential risks after the overdraft of US stock gains, and the hovering of the US dollar index in front of key resistance levels.

Against this background, the historical wheel of global monetary easing may start again, heralding the arrival of a new cycle. For every participant, this is a test of wisdom and courage. For the field of cryptocurrency, such as BTC and other assets, there will also be new opportunities and challenges in the new cycle.

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